My job duites will include answering phones, weighing patients, working with a clinicial study they are running, possibly drawing blood and administering B-12 shots, assisting with Botox and facial fillers (which I do now)...Along with several other tasks. I am really excited because I can already see a HUGE difference between this company and my former employer. Oh...and it doesn't hurt that I got a pay increase. I will let you know a little more about it after I have worked there a while. I told them that I wanted to give my old boss two weeks notice....Only working two days a week, they asked if I could work on the days I wasn't with him. Hence starting on Wednesday. Wish me luck!
The day after my interview we went snow skiing. We decided that would be our valentines day celebration. It is so crazy that you can live 5 minutes from the beach and drive 2 hours to the mountians and snow. It was only my second time skiing but I had a lot of fun. We pretty much stayed to the low intermediate part of the mountain for my sake. I have learned I am less afraid of me falling and more afraid of people hitting me. Once I learn to quit looking backwards and focus on me I think it will be much better. Here are a couple of pictures we took that day.