Thursday, October 6, 2011

Halloween treats

First, I just wanna say that I LOVE fall. I think once the cooler weather starts to hit I literally feel better. Is that weird? I just love boots and cardigans, pumpkin flavored (almost) anything, hot chocolate or cider, and just all of the festivities that happen around this time of year.

It has rained over here for the past two days (yay) so Morgan and I have spent most of our time indoors. Looking for something different to do, I decided we were going to make some cupcakes.

She did a really good job of stirring the batter. I would let her pour the ingredients in the bowl and then let her stir as much as she liked.

Then she helped me by filling the pan with all of the cupcake wrappers.

I had a chance to use the pampered chef frosting contraption my sister gave me. I am  not much of a cake decorator, but it was fun seeing how the different pieces worked.

Morgan sure did like the finished product, but we made sure to share with some friends too!

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