Friday, July 1, 2011

sidewalk chalk

This past weekend our friends came with us to Old Town Temecula.  They were having a sidewalk chalk drawing contest.  They divided it up by ages. It was pretty cute to see the elementary school kids drawings, and it was impressive to see what 18 yrs and up could do. Here are a few of my favorites.

This one of the Elephant was my favorite!

After seeing all of these I thought Morgan and I should have a little fun with some chalk ourselves. Ya know get our creative juices flowing? (Or just desperately try to entertain an 18 month old who is feeling stir crazy :)

I consider operation entertain toddler a success!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I agree about that elephant - wow! Morgan is so big! She's so cute, I just can't get over it!